One thousand and one is a weird length for something to go on for, and I was curious how long that was in terms I would better understand. It turns out that 1001 days is roughly equal to 2 years, 8 months, and 27 days... almost 3 years. If my life continues as I hope it does, I should be gone from college and into the American work force, a scary realization. As such, some of these goals are academic, some work related, some social, and some for my general well being. I hope to achieve everything listed here, but the reality is that I probably won't. Some of them are almost entirely out of my control, or are prohibitively expensive. Others are pretty easy, and some I won't be able to even start until I am older.
I plan on keeping this list as up to date as possible, as well as blog about my experiences as I knock items off the list. Encouragement is always welcome, and I hope I see some of my friends start similar lists that I will be able to encourage them on (after all, I need three to complete goal 49).
Start Date: April 21, 2009
End Date: January 16, 2012
- 1. Graduate from the engineering college at Ohio Northern University
- 2. Learn at least four new programming languages [0/4]
- 3. Learn at least one new human language [0/1]
- 4. Contribute to at least five open source projects on my own time [0/5]
- 5. Make a bug patch that gets accepted
- 6. Score par on an 18 hole round of golf
- 7. Attend the Super Bowl, NBA Finals, World Series, or other championship game
- 8. Write a web interface to keep track of this list
- 9. Write a new blog post at least once a month
- 10. Photograph at least five celestial objects [0/5]
- 11. Own an 'L' series lens from Canon
- 12. Do a photo shoot at least once a month
- 13. Hit an out of the park home run in softball
- 14. Drink a beer with my dad
- 15. Get a girlfriend
- 16. Get a full time job (upon graduation)
- 17. Visit every state [43/50]
- 18. Visit Europe
- 19. Go on a mission trip outside of the United States
- 20. Attend church at least twice a month
- 21. Save at least 10% of the money I earn
- 22. Begin tithing
- 23. Try a new beer at least once a month
- 24. Rally for something I believe in
- 25. Watch at least 50% of the IMDB top 100 [21/50]
- 26. Watch a new film once a month
- 27. Organize my music collection
- 28. Organize my movie collection
- 29. Organize my photo collection
- 30. Organize my email
- 31. Beat fifteen video games [0/15]
- 32. Hold an EC position
- 33. Have another 4.0 GPA quarter
- 34. Learn to mix / DJ
- 35. Get a little
- 36. Increase my vertical leap at least six inches [0/6]
- 37. Make a workout plan and follow it for at least six months
- 38. Get an original blog post on the front page of Digg or Reddit
- 39. Win a serious award
- 40. Go camping at least four times [0/4]
- 41. Go golfing on at least ten new courses [0/10]
- 42. Get my pilot's license
- 43. Drive on a race track
- 44. Participate in a fantasy sport
- 45. Learn to drive stick
- 46. Volunteer to be an EMT / Firefighter
- 47. Run at least five 5k races [0/5]
- 48. Bungie jump or go sky diving
- 49. Get three people to make a 101 in 1001 [0/3]
- 50. Vote in every election
- 51. Walk or ride my bike to work at least 50 times [0/50]
- 52. Cook once a week (when I'm home)
- 53. Cook a new recipe once a month
- 54. Make my own recipe
- 55. Hide a geocache with something valuable in it
- 56. Watch a sunrise with someone I love
- 57. Spend an entire night in Jolly Pirate with a friend
- 58. Help people I don't know solve five problems on IRC [0/5]
- 59. Visit two friends that are not brothers each summer [0/2] [0/2] [0/2]
- 60. Visit two friends that are brothers each summer [0/2] [0/2] [0/2]
- 61. See a tornado
- 62. Keep in touch with my friends that graduate
- 63. Stay off Facebook for a week
- 64. Help someone who's car has broken down on the side of the road
- 65. Attend every class for a quarter
- 66. Randomly go to Vegas for a weekend
- 67. Party with another SigEp chapter
- 68. Make a major improvement to the SigEp house
- 69. Grow a beard
- 70. Reach level 80
- 71. Spend no money on my credit card one month
- 72. Pay for the person behind me at a toll booth
- 73. Read the Bible cover to cover
- 74. Invest in a company I don't already have stock in, and follow it
- 75. Feed a bum
- 76. Buy all my friends shots when they turn 21
- 77. Exclusively use a Unix based operating system for everything except gaming
- 78. Go to ten Reds games [0/10]
- 79. Go to four Bengals games [0/4]
- 80. Buy something from Woot!
- 81. Sell ten items online [0/10]
- 82. Keep a clean room for three months
- 83. Video tape myself on a party night
- 84. Grow my own peppers
- 85. Make my blog good enough that I get 100 people to follow it [1/100]
- 86. Go on a spring break trip
- 87. Get into the habit of reading the newspaper in the mornings
- 88. Renew an old friendship
- 89. Visit my sister at the college she chooses to attend
- 90. Visit a friend out of state
- 91. Go trick or treating with a friend
- 92. Watch an entire series of two TV shows [0/2]
- 93. Collect a full deck of cards from Pabst tops
- 94. Own a Blackberry
- 95. Go on a random road trip
- 96. Get rid of a subscription I don't really need
- 97. Play ultimate in the rain
- 98. Solve fifty Project Euler problems [1/50]
- 99. Do something suggested by somebody else
- 100. Do another thing suggested by somebody else
- 101. Make another 101 in 1001 list for the next 1001 days